I have received a letter from our good friend who used to be on the FML,
many remember him as Ron Sterling, Sirron, etc.  Just want to let
everyone know that he is very devastated due to the loss of one of his
little girl ferrets.  He lost "Aisha" on September 5th over the Labor Day
weekend, suddenly and unexpectedly.  I am going to send him a small
package with a little ferret angel tin in it to hopefully cheer him up a
bit.  If anyone would like to send a short email for him, I will copy,
print and send it to him in the package.  I plan on making the angel tin
this weekend and hopefully mailing it by Monday- please send any emails
by then.
My husband has put more FERRET ITEMS on, you may view them either at
these links or by going to Ebay home page and go to the upper right hand
corner where it says search, click on advanced search underneath it.  It
will bring you to the next page, on left side upper corner, you will see
Search Find Items .  Click on Items by Seller and type in minky98 and it
will bring up what is listed.
My sincere condolences to those who have recently lost ferrets or who
have in the past, my heart goes out to you.
Eleanor, Donald and the 9 fuzzies, missing Sarah and Cooper J
[Posted in FML issue 4645]