I went to a pet store for ferret supplies.  They had one tiny girl, with
a crusty nose.  When I held her she wheezed and sneezed mucus and the
shredded cardboard looking litter out of her tiny crusted over nose.
When I held her right side to my ear, I could hear her wheezing.  I
bought her, and went straight to the vet.
Her weight is 8 ounces.  She is the tinniest, and youngest ferret I have
ever seen.
She has a sinus infection for which she was prescribed amoxicillian
drops.  She had a very empty and upset tummy - her stool was the color
and consistency of smashed peas.  She was given a prescription for
WE (baby Heather and I) are on a schedule of finger feeding chicken or
turkey baby food every four hours with pedialite water to drink.  Amoxi
drops in the am, and pm. and the acidopholis around noon.  She is
sleeping either in the hospital room (I hate the word cage) or on my
My three boys are gentle with her.  Angel is a 2 pound, 7 year old marked
white rescue I have had for 3.5 years.  Bandit is a 2.5 pound, 3 year old
dark sable and was a kit when I rescued him, and he is the acting big
brother.  Freddy is a 3 pound, 1.5?  year old medium sable point I
rescued exactly 1 year ago.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
If you e-mail me at Ferret mom MJR @ AOL .  com, please mention ferrets
in the subject line (or I might accidentally delete an unknown e-mail
thinking it is spam)
[Posted in FML issue 4592]