Figured I'd jump in on the 'favorite ferret toys' thread, even though
mine are kinda strange.
Only a couple of mine really have favorite obsessions, not really toys...
Razzle will do anything to get hold of socks to steal.  I found he had
stolen *18* socks and hidden them under the bathroom cupboard.  I had to
drag them all out with a bent wire hanger and then seal the area off so
he couldn't get under there anymore, the booger!
Monty-boo craves television remotes and cell phones, but I keep them
well out of his reach.  The couple I got him from lost a cell phone
permanently when he stole it and dragged it in the crawl space for the
bathtub plumbing and they couldn't get to it without tearing out the
wall.  They knew it was back there by calling it and following the ring
but had absolutely no way to retrieve it!  Baaaaad ferret!
But really, as far as 'favorite' things, I guess Razzle wins.  He has an
old stuffed fabric ladybug that he's had for years.  He tore it apart
long ago and took all the stuffing out, but the fabric 'shell' with the
wings are still intact and he keeps it in his cage.  He'll sleep with it
and hold it in his mouth and 'chatter' at it in his sleep.  It's adorable
to watch.
Guess mine are weird.  Their favorite toys really are just each other
when they get out to play together. :)
Sherrie (aka daoine o' aka *the ferret queen*)
Dweezil (who just turned *8* on Thursday!  O happy day!)
Razzle (gaze deep into my eyes...gimme your socks...all your socks...)
Monty-boo (you don't need your remote!  get off your butt and change the
Jezebel (all I really like is human flesh.  yummmmm....)
[Posted in FML issue 4619]