If you want to quit smoking to benefit a shelter, e-mail
[log in to unmask] by Tuesday!  The program goes live
Sept.  1.
Here's a repost of the pertinent info ...
We only have a few quitters signed up so far, so join us!
Smoke-Out for shelters is a campaign to make ferret lovers (and hopefully
their fuzzies, too) healthier, and earn a few bucks for some of our
We will be accepting people into our team of "quitters" from now until
September 1st.  Quitters will have until December 1st to be completely
quit.  It's good timing -- a little holiday bonus you'll get by not
buying cigs in December.
On September 1, I'll put up a webpage with profiles of our quitters,
with sponsorship information.  Quitters are encouraged to go outside the
online ferret community to seek sponsors also.
To join our quitting team, e-mail [log in to unmask]
Include your first name, e-mail address, how long you've been smoking*,
and a little about your involvement with ferrets.  A pic of yourself is
encouraged, but not by any means required.  Also tell us which shelter
you plan to quit for -- quitter's choice!
If you need help choosing a shelter, check the database at:
http://ferretcentral.org/for-others/database.html (may not be the
most current version).
Also, give us contact information for one person who can vouch for you --
we're basically doing this on the honor system, but we'd like to have a
voucher-person.  Quitters and their voucher-people will be e-mailed on
December 1st to confirm the quit and again on December 7th to verify no
If this is the gentle kick in the posterior you need to put down the
cancer-sticks, e-mail [log in to unmask] to join our team!
If the fund-raiser is successful, we'll do it again next year.  Feel
free to cross-post this everywhere!
*I feel this will be a good motivator for some sponsors to pledge
higher -- if someone knows the quitter's been puffing away for 20 or
more years, it might up the bid a bit.
[Posted in FML issue 4619]