I haven't been on this list too long, so don't want to post anything too
specific/medical/legal... ( that, and I live in Australia, so our ferrets
have somewhat different experiences..)
but, I just wanted to say something on the "toys for ferrets thread"
Firstly, I still can't get over how different every ferret is personality
wise... they all have their own favorite things, and their own favorite
ways to do things.... it still amazes me..
but, I would like to say that a ferrets favorite toy is always different,
to match their personalities..  , Although....... I have found that
regardless of what a ferret seems to want as a favorite toy, it always
seems to also have favorite things it likes doing with it... like playing
with it, sleeping with it, hiding it, chewing on it, etc, but the ones
thing it will always like playing with is it's human (or another ferrets
interested in the same toy)
i.e.: in my thoughts, a ferrets favorite toy is us i.e.: Humans... and
then, secondly, another ferret.
I have seen ferrets roll around with a ball, or a "kong", or a plastic
bag, a piece of paper, and old sock etc etc, for 5 minutes.. maybe ten..
but, when I play with them, with the ball, kong, plastic bag, paper,
sock, they will keep playing until they are asleep.
I have ferrets who do have a favorite toy..  for five minutes a day, or
have a "kong", or stuffed toy they call their own... but then, they only
hide them ..  or, occasionally sleep with them...
but, the best toy is us, (or another ferret)...
Two ferrets (or more) will have soooo much more fun in a plastic bag,
pipe, piece of paper, then one ever will.... and one or two ferrets (or
more) with a human... is just the best toy ever..
So my opinion is..(or to summarize), ferrets really don't need "toys",
 ...they need "FUN"
However, there is an exception, ..  those ferrets who develop an
emotional attachment to a toy, i.e.: treat it like a child (kit) , or
partner..  (comfort buddy)..  in which case, I do not consider it a toy,
but something that belongs to the ferret... and quite often..  they (the
ferret in question) would prefer we don't "play" with it, because to
them, it is not a toy..  but more like a favorite blanky or teddy bear,
is to a small child
[Posted in FML issue 4618]