>From:    "Dawn Smith, LOS National" <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Dont Forget
>Just a friend reminder of our upcoming clinics and events...
>We will also being holding a Distemper Clinic from 11am - 1pm (a vet
>is on-call, less than 5 minutes away).  The cost for the shots is $10
>per ferret per shot.
I had to re-read this twice just to make sure I was reading it correctly.
I hope you have checked with the State Veterinary Boards about this.  A
person is allowed to purchase vaccines and syringes in states where it
is legal to do so for the sole purpose of vaccinating thier OWN animals.
To advertise, give distemper shots to someone else's animal, and charge
a fee constitutes practicing veterinary medicine without a license.  No
matter if the vet is on-call, around the corner, five minutes away or
sitting on the roof.  If there is advertising and monetary compensation
involved the vet needs to be administering the vaccine.  Severe legal
repercussions as well as some hefty fines can be incurred.  I can't
imagine any veterinarian putting their reputation or license in this kind
of jeopardy, particularly where ferrets are concerned.  If using Fervac
the risk of reaction is well documented.  You can do as much harm with
the pretreat or treatment for a reaction if you do not use the proper
dosages etc.  On the other hand if using Galaxy, it is not approved for
ferrets and you need to have legal documentation and consent forms signed
for using a product off label and for a species for which it was not made
or approved .  Again, legally should only be done by a veterinarian.
Pat Stauffer
[Posted in FML issue 4616]