Hi Everyone,
I just talked to Juliana who has picked up the 17 research program
ferrets from Morehouse Medical College.
The pick-up went well.  There are 7 females and 10 males in the group.
All females seem to be in good health but have hair loss on their tails.
Could be from being in heat.
All males expect one seem to be in good health.  One older guy seems to
be adrenal and needs his teeth looked at.
This will bring the number at the shelter back up to 51 so if anyone that
knows Juliana doesn't mind the smell of whole ferrets and can foster some
of these little guys it would be a great help.
Arrangements are being made to have them all spayed/neutered.  They need
their rabies vaccines as well.  So if anyone reading this can help in
anyway it is greatly appreicated.
This is a huge step in the right directions since these healthy and
sociable ferrets could have been put to sleep instead and being released
to the shelter.  They have a chance to go to loving homes and have happy
Sharon B. :)
Support Our Shelters
[Posted in FML issue 4594]