Spice was a very special little baby, and i don't know a better way to
let all the people who's lives she touched know that she has passed on to
the rainbow bridge except by posting it here.
For thoses that do not know spice, she was a very special little girl
that traveled several miles and across a state to come live with me.  I
take in only ADV+ ferrets and give them a home till they pass on.  Many
ferrets have come to live with us from abroad, however spice was one of
the few that made a super special connection with my kids, in particular
my 12 year old daughter.  She was inseprable from the kids, and was
eaisly found in the girls room curled up in my oldest's dresser, or
playing with her.  Her treasure hiding spot was under my girls bunk bed.
No other ferret used their room to hide stuff.  The rest of them use the
couch, my dresser, my bed, their kennels, and so on.
Spice wasn't very social with other ferrets, but i hope she can say hello
to all the fuzzy guys that now exist so far away from us.
Ferret City ADV
[Posted in FML issue 4614]