Greetings to all furbutts and their slaves -
Has anyone had my situation before who might be able to give some advice?
One year ago here in Germany we adopted our brother-sister pair.  They
are now a little over 3 years old.
The girl is fine (other than the biting your feet with socks on issue
that we can't break her of) but the boy is very, very skittish.  He bit
us all the time, and hard, when we first got him.  But now that he is
used to us, he is a real love.
But only with us!!  If he is around strangers, including my in-laws, he
bites them.  Hands and ankles.  I'm quite sure he attacks out of fear,
because I really think that's what it was with us at first, plus he's
scared of everything, including the vacuum cleaner and the broom (the
I can't go back and magically make him a kit again and re-socialize
him....any ideas other than just keeping him away from other people?
I want him to be socialized so that it makes everyone's life easier,
including his, especially in the event of an emergency.  And I know that
this is not how a properly socialized ferret should act.  (My poor
anti-social boy!!  LOL)
Thanks, Emily
[Posted in FML issue 4613]