Hey everyone :) Just wanted to write and say hello...I havent been online
as much as I want to lately, but I've been enjoying Navy life.  Earlier
today, while i was on a break, I was standing by the ocean watching the
dolphins in the distance, and I realized just how lucky I am to be here.
I never would have thought a year ago I would be where I am right
now...Thinking back to what I was doing a year ago, It's hard to believe
that I went from working 48 hours a week at subway, sleeping in until
1-2 in the afternoon and staying up until 3-4am playing with my
ferrets... to waking up at 5:30am and jogging, going to school, working,
serving my country, enjoying the beach area, and loving every minute of
it.  Not to mention I get my occasional fuzzy fix going to visit Wes &
Suzan at the pensacola ferret & dove sanctuary (they just got their
501c.)...if it weren't for them, i think i might have severe ferret
withdrawls!!  They've opened their home and their hearts for me and I
want them to know just how much I appreciate it.
I've briefly scanned the FML and I've glanced over a few things here and
there, and I've noticed it's been missing something lately...I'm not sure
what or who, but I remember back when Switch & Lily drove the John deere
tractor...when the Oracle wore depends....when ferrets butts smelled like
jelly, when the fuzzbutt rodeo clowns made me laugh till I cried...I sure
miss it.....
~*~*~ VALERIE ~*~*~
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~*`~*`FERRETS RULE~`*~`*
Missing Noodles + Rosie at the Rainbow Bridge
[Posted in FML issue 4610]