Hi Again,
My little MJ, pain that she is, is extremely sensitive to any kind of
stress.  I think when I do fly that she will be in the cabin with me so
I can monitor her.  My main concern about brining them down, besides the
flight, is that St. Thomas' temp range goes into the mid 80's during the
day, sometimes warmer, and only drops into the 70's at night, year round.
Maybe you Florida people would be best able to help me out.  Are they
going to be ok in those temperatures?  I'm from Jersey, where we only
dream of that range.  The island is small, with an ocean breeze touching
nearly every part, coling the air, but all I can think is god forbid the
A/C breaks.  Is there anything I can do to ensure that they don't heat
stroke on me?  Would a fan near the cage, on one level, be ok?  Frozen
water bottles daily perhaps?  Any help that can be given would be greatly
Thanks Again,
[Posted in FML issue 4609]