hey everyone!!!
SOSkat here...:)...yup...coing some E-bays for SOS for a bit...:)
ok...we have 2 really special ebays up for Juliana, Ferret Business of
GA, and the Morehouse 17 Lab kids...
these items were made by and donated by Lisette just for these poor
little lab kids...
the first one is:
A Ferret and Kitten Picnic in the Park Art Piece
Item # :        3694541745.
URL:    http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3694541745
the second one is just WAY too cute!!!!...are you a Harry Potter fan????
Harry Potter Ferret Art Piece
Item # :        3694544643.
URL:    http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3694544643
ok...go bid like crazy...win these unique art pieces by Lisette...and
help some really special ferrets at the same time...
the pics of these art pieces really do not do them justice...i have some
of Lisette's art pieces..and they are really really beautiful...
thank you in advance...
Kat's ShelterHelp pages...  http://ferretlover97.terrabox.com
Kat's Help4ADV Pages... http://Help4ADV.terrabox.com/
SOS Raffles...  http://raffle.supportourshelters.org/
Need a 2005 Ferret Calendar?... http://calendars.supportourshelters.org
When you care about others....when you reach out to others....
 ...when you give of yourself to others...YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
[Posted in FML issue 4607]