Almost immediately after greeting Benny Muldoone felt another change in
the wind, the now all too familiar tingling in his whiskers, and the
sadness in his heart which told him another ferret was coming; Tekoa.
There was a blinding flash and noise exploded all around Tekoa.  He had
the strange sensation of falling and his world seemed to be disappearing.
Lying low to the ground, Tekoa didn't move and he was afraid to open his
eyes; he then curled up into a tight ball and began to cry.  Tekoa did
not hearthe approach of Muldoone and Nanna and when Nanna's sweet gentle
voice spoke, he shot up hissing and his tail resembled a bottle brush.
"If you touches me I will bites you!"
Tekoa had had a pretty rough time of it when he was on earth.  He did
not like other ferrets, didn't want to play or hang out with them.  The
only partner he had ever known in his life was a silver fuzzbutt named
D'Weezle unfortunately his beloved partner had already passed on to the
Bridge before him.  But the one thing Tekoa had was a very loving earth
mom dad.  After a series of twisted turns and events, Tekoa went home to
be with his earthly mom Kat and earth dad Tommy Even though Tekoa had
only been with his earth mom and dad three short months, he carried the
scent of human love in his heart and something told him he would see them
again someday.
Nanna tried to approach Tekoa, speaking gently, she wanted to make sure
he knew where he was.  "Teoka, my name is Nanna and we are here to
welcome youto the Bridge.  You will no longer be sick or hurt, you are
young again, and here you will remain until you are reunited with your
earthly mom and dad.  Teoka very slowly got up and stood before Nanna and
Muldoone.  I miss my mom and dad a wot he stated.  I don't wants to be
here, pwease send me back.  I am sorry but I can't do that Nanna tried to
explain.  There is a cycle to life and when ours has come to an end we
come here.  Each of us are given a specific march of time and when that
is up, our circle of life has been completed.  For many of us including
you Teoka, coming here meant the end of pain and that can be a great
relief.  You will always miss your earthmom and dad but you will see them
again someday I promise.  But Teoka, don't ever forget the greatest gift
of all, life is not always fair, it can be downright cruel at times but
you have been loved, you know that feeling, you know what it is like to
be be cherished and you gave love in return, you left your scent in the
hearts of your mom and dad.  Teoka, I understand you don't like other
ferrets and I have someone special that would like for you to come and
live with her for a while.  Her name is Sunny-ferret and she will take
good care of you there.  She is very kind and loving and has a wonderful
bungalow where you can sleep all you want, eat all you want and play all
day if you would like to.  Would that be okay, Nanna asks Teoka, do you
think you would like to go there for a while until you meet some of the
others?  Yes mam, I tink I wud wike dat."
Muldoone raised his eyes and saw a shimmering shape beginning to take
form at the Gate.  Sunny-ferret's fur glistened in the sunlight and she
had come to welcome Teoka and take him back to her bungalow until he was
ready to live among the others at the Bridge.  Her crystal blue eyes held
a wisdom and sorrow that took Muldoone's breath away.  Sunny-ferret took
a few steps towards Teoka and held out her arms to him.  "Come with me
wee-one she softly said and a tear rolled down Teoka's cheek.  Without
a second of hesitation he was immediately in her warm loving embrace
and cared about nothing atthat moment except he felt loved and warm.
Carrying the scent of love from his humans, he allowed himself to be
carried to Sunny-ferret's bungalow to rest and learn about other ferrets,
ferrets just like him that at one time had been afraid of all others and
not knowing what he was missing out on.
Mamma he whispered to Kat's heart, mamma I be home, I no wonger hurts, I
nowonger feels bad, and I not 'fraid.  And mamma tank you for woving me
and for wetting me go, it was time.  I will miss you but I pwomise to
visit youin your dweams.  And with that Teoka disappeared down a
beautiful garden path being gently and lovingly carried by Sunny-ferret.
[Posted in FML issue 4606]