My story, is that BIG, patiently followed right along with so many FML'rs
a few years ago, when I lost my Epimetheus aka Eppy.  Yes, my E, Eppers,
Eppy, Epimetheus.  I saw Tanya's post this morning, and right along with
her, I still to this day, recall those gut wrenching days of searching
for him, and yes, the tears still flow, easily.  I know, that there are
many ferret parents out there with babies still missing, there are those
who nightly do head counts and dispense nitey kisses and give thanks for
one more day, to share with them.  Safe and home.  Sorry, I am a lousy
writer, but I just wanted to tell everyone including BIG, just how much
I appreciate all the thoughts, prayers, and emails that I read, received,
and those that just quietly kept vigil while I searched for Eppy.
Wonderful group of people here, we all have our moments, as was
mentioned, no one is perfect.
I of course, wasn't at the LV Symposium.  I was at home, reviewing the
messages on my answering machine, and especially a call from the local
Humane Society, that some one had brought a ferret in and they felt that
he may well be the one I was looking for.  I had to wait another day, to
find out, because they were closed when I got home from work , the
following work day was the longest I ever was obligated to an employer.
I have been repeatedly told about the event following BIG's announcement
that Eppy was home.  I truly wasn't aware of the captive audience, that
I had, I was just pouring my heart and soul out to the only people who I
believed would understand, what I was suffering through.
I realize, most of all, that I did not suffer alone.  My unfortunate?,
family did not know what to do with me, those weeks during his absence.
You people did.  You patiently let me post, sent up prayers, gave
encouragement, and advice, and most of all shared my path, with empathy.
Joanne Ruffner, with the help of Kat Parsons had put together a
NeverForeverLand page,(it may seem like an eternity, but it is
neverforever) for some day we all would be reunited) for everyone to
read, to post to the share their stories in.  Please if you haven't,
read, didn't know, have a lost one, whatever , or are even just
interested in learning what you could do, if that scarey event should
happen in your home.  Visit Eppys place, at NeverForeverland.  You can
even see a picture of Eppy himself, there!!
You can find it at <>
I have read many stories of joys and sorrows here, in the folds of the
fml.  I have had good visuals with the funny ones, and heartache with
the lost and Rainbow Bridge babies.
Squeak, have your mommy put your story there too!  Please.  Eppy says
so....we are so glad to read that Squeak is home!!!  ANYONE, who has lost
and found or lost and is still missing!  Please add your stories here.
These moments will never go forgotten.  I am forever grateful to all and
many who were so supportive, during my search.
Eppy is happily scritching at my pant leg, DEMANDING raisins still today.
He is back to his former self.  The first few days home were iffy, he was
rather reserved, would come to eat slurry, and then immediately return to
the safe quarters of the bedroom.  I cannot begin to fathom, what it was
like for him, he is not telling.  I just know that he is home.  Each day
that I see his prescious face, I am thankful for everyone who cared
enough.  My life is not so busy, and full, that I cannot remember to give
thanks for the good things that come my way.
It was in losing a little girl, that I was given a wealth of information
and fellowship.  It was in losing our Athena, her sacrifice, that brought
us to the FML.  She sadly passed away from shelter shock, something I
wasn't aware of in ferrets, I was pretty new at ferrethood.  We still
miss this wee little sable girl today.  It has been 4 1/2 years now.
Sorry, for such a long winded post.
Many regards
Epimetheus aka Eppy and mom....
Kenosha, Wisconsin
[Posted in FML issue 4604]