I just want to take a minute to thank Julie Fossa for her article on
Megaesophagus in this month's Ferrets Magazine.
I know this was a very difficult article for her to write and I want to
not only thank her for shining a spotlight on this terrible disease, but
for dedicating this article to my Boomer.  Boomer died in March as a
result of this disease and it's a loss I will not soon get over.
Reading Julie's article was difficult for me.  Boomer was one of the
ferrets that MegaE hit hard and fast.  He was diagnosed on Monday and
dead by the following Tuesday.  The only thing my vet and I could do
was grieve.
This disease needs to be brought into the forefront and ferret lovers
need to know about it - it is so easily misdiagnosed.
Thank you, Julie, for sharing your difficult experience with us and also
to MaryLou and the folks at Ferrets Magazine, for printing this article.
Judy Cooke
IFC Co-Director
Support Our Shelters
[Posted in FML issue 4592]