Early morning at the Bridge finds Muldoone hurrying along a well-worn
path with a much determined look on his face.  As he passes a row of huts
a couple of his buddies call out to him but he tells them, "tant stops,
gotta get to da Bwidge" and he hurries on his his way.
Not long after arriving at the Bridge, Muldoone begins to feel a familiar
tingle in his whiskers and then a soft warm breeze is drifting and
swirling through the air.  "Another fewet tomes to joins us" he says to
no one.  Just then a blinding light fills the sky and when he looks again
he sees a ferret not running but BOUNCING across the Bridge.
"Hewoo and welcomes to da Bwidge he says to the young ferret, I be
Muldoone, da officialt Bwidge Gweeter."
The young ferret sits down to study Muldoone and is quiet for a long time
before he speaks.  "Wher dids ya gets dat hat he asks and coulds you gets
meone wike it?"
Muldoone is quite surprised at the request.  Generally whena new one
arrives they want an explanation as to where they are and why but not
this guy, he wants a hat like mine.  Geeze!!
"Maybe we starts by you telling me your name he says to the young ferret.
Bubba be my name he says and puffs out his chest proudly.  I be Bubba da
Ferret and I wike to pways fewet war, do you wike to pway fewet war Mr.
"Well, not 'xactly sure what dat be" Mully stammers.  Maybe we get your
settled first and den I shows you wound the pwace.  First afore we dooes
dat, I wants to send message to my mom, she be upset 'bout what brings me
here.  See my mom falls down ontop of me and dat is how I gets here to
dis pwace.  My mom be weally sad and cwy a wot and I wants to make her
heart happy 'gain.  Cans you help me Mr. Muldoone, pwease?  Oh and afore
I forgets, I got two brudders here and I wants to sees dem.  I hears my
mom say dey be here and I wants to sees dem.
Otay, what be deir names Muldoone asks Bubba.  Names be Vinnie, Bubba
informs him.
Otay, wet me see what I can find out which hammy dey be in.  What da
odder ones name be he asks.
Vinnie says Bubba.
Yes I know dat you tells me dat alweady but what da odder fewet name be.
Vinnie answers Bubba.
I knows dat Muldoone says with an edge to his voice, you alweady tells me
dat, I needs to know da name of da ODDER fewet.
His name be VINNIE Bubba answers his voice raising a bit.
Muldoone takes off his baseball cap, looks at it closely like he is
inspecting it, scratches himself behind his left ear, and puts his cap
back on.  Wisten kid, I twying to helps you but you gots to tell me da
name of da odder fewet youwants to see.
HIS NAME BE VINNIE Bubba yells at Muldoone, HIS NAME BE VINNIE!!  Takes
off dat stupid cap and maybe yous tan hears someptin!!"
Just as Muldoone was about to make a dive for the newcomer Nanna comes
charging down the path.
"M U L D O O N E!!!  What are you doing, this is no way to treat a new
comer.  Nanna hurried over to Bubba and puts a protective arm around him.
Bubba, please forgive what just happened.  Our Junior Bridge Greeter has
not completed his training for this job and this is certainly NO way to
greet a new comer to the Bridge.
Muldoone was afraid to meet anna's glaring eyes but he could feel the
heat from her gaze upon him.
Why did you not call for help Nanna admonishes Muldoone, you know if
there is a problem you are not qualified to handle it on your own, you
should have called for help.  Had I not checked on how things were going
on the stump scan, no telling what may have happened.
But Nanna, Mully begins trying to explain, but Nanna nothing young man
and Muldoone falls quiet again.
Alright Bubba Nanna coos gently at him, I understand you have two
brothers here you would like to locate.
Yes Bubba answers as he is weasel war-dancing, wanna sees my brudders.
Okay, what are their names Nanna asks him.
Vinnie Bubba informs Nanna.
Okay, and what is your other brother's name??
Vinnie replies Bubba.
Yes dear I know one of your brothers is named Vinnie, what is the other
one's name??
Vinnie answers Bubba again with a smile playing around his lips.
Nanna draws a long sigh and thinks for a moment.  Okay lets try again,
what is your two brothers names she asks Bubba.
VINNIE is the answer he gives again.  Nanna looks first sternly at Bubba
and then fixesher stare on Muldoone.  Is this your idea of a joke young
man she asks, did the two of your cook this up?
Now it was Muldoone's turn to feel a sly smile begin to play around his
mouth.  Oh boy, I tink we both be in twouble he thinks to himself.
Muldoone pulls himself up tall and straight.  No Nanna, I pwomise, he
gibs me da same name he gabe you.
Nanna not sure what to believe looks from one ferret to the other.
Bubba, tell me the name of brother number one.
VINNIE replies Bubba.
Okay, now tell me the name of brother number two.
VINNIE replies Bubba.
Just then Muldoone feels a tickle in his tummy.  The tickle begins to
grow until the laughter begins to escape and next he is laying on the
ground laughing.  A moment later Bubba is laying next to him in a fit of
giggles meanwhile Nanna is standing over them both glaring her best
glare-stare at the two of them.
"I fail to see what is so funny she informs the two.
Nanna, dey bof be named Vinnie squealed Muldoone.
Is this true she demands of Bubba.
Bubba struggles to his feet and tries his best to stop giggling.  Yes
mam, bof my brudders be named Vinnie.  Just then Muldoone goes off in
another fit of laughter and Bubba joins him.
All of a sudden the two ferrets hear a loud shriek and Nanna's tail
bushes out really big.  I AM PUTTING IN FOR A TRASNFER!!!  MULDOONE WAS
The two ferrets struggled to their feet still laughing and giggling.
"Is she always like that Bubba asks Muldoone about Nanna.
Yeah and sometimes she be wurs giggled Muldoone.  I weally sorry bout
what happens to you wif your mom Muldoone tells his new friend but it be
weally neat here and I can takes you to da wainbow and shows you how you
tan go bisit your mom in your heart.
WOW dat will be weally neat Bubba replies.
Wets go finds you a hat wike mine for you to wears" Muldoone tells
his new friend and the two disappear down the path still giggling and
[Posted in FML issue 4600]