Just an FYI ..... The 4th annual Seattle (WA) Pet Expo is taking place
on August 21-22 from 10am - 5pm at the Seattle Center Exhibition Hall.
I SOOOO wish I could afford to have a FERRET booth there (or even
collectively with a group of shelter operators & volunteers) but the cost
for a 10x10 space is $350!  And since I don't have any 'ferret' crafts
to sell, there certainly wouldn't be any profit made!
Although there is a variety of special guest speakers, I noticed that
none are geared toward ferrets ... Too bad because with the estimated
number of attenders predicted to be about 10,000 this year, it would be
such an awesome way to educate so many people about ferrets in one fell
Personally, I think that we fuzzie lovers and owners should plan now to
gear up for NEXT YEAR'S Pet Expo and make sure that the ferret population
is properly represented at this event!  (Who knows - we might be able to
convince the event organizers to waive the booth fee for a group of
ferret shelters merely there as non-porfit organizations - to educate -
and and not to sell anything.  Nothing says you can't advertise adoptions
however, right?) Hmmmmm
Well, just a thought .... Anyway, if anyone in the greater Seattle area
is interested in volunteering at this event (in exchange for 2 free
entrance tickets - a $6.00 value), then contact 425-775-2707 or email me
personally.  And if anyone has any further ideas, I'm open to hearing
them so please email me privately :-)
Jennifer, Sasha & Snowball  :-)
[Posted in FML issue 4596]