Ah, Bob.  I left the list for quite some time while on deployment
(actually, I'm /still/ on deployment), and didn't realize how much I
missed his posts.  I actually printed out the one he wrote about his
broken roof and showed it around, and my decidedly non-ferret-oriented
fellow sailors were still highly entertained by the tale.  But I digress.
I haven't made Bob's Blender Killer -- aka Chicken Gravy -- yet.  But
I was thinking about the blender problem and thought I might have a
solution other than going out and buying one of those expensive,
industrial, hotdog-ingredient-generating blenders: get a heavy, solid
butcher's knife and chop the chicken up into smaller pieces before
feeding it to the blender.  I don't know if this would make the bones
more easily digestible to small appliances, but I'm certain it would be
cathartic (and alarming to the in-laws, always a bonus).
Very respectfully,
  -- Kat
[Posted in FML issue 4595]