Dear Ferret Folks-
I am really worried about my husband.  I took a good look at him last
night (nails good, no clipping needed), and I noticed two things.
First off, he is losing some hair.  Not, like, hands-full, but his
hairline is unquestionably receeding.
Alonng with the hair thing, when you get him in profile, he is definitely
getting that "pear-shape" through the belly that I have heard about so
many times in reference to adrenal disease.  Although he seems fairly
young for it, could he in fact be developing adrenal disease?
Aside from these two worrying signs, his health seems to be very good.
He has lots of energy, and occasionally puts in overtime hours at work.
Hairballs have never been a problem.  I find the wrappers in his van, so
I know he gets plenty of McDonalds grease in his diet, evertything just
passes through like a freight train.
His poops are good, I know because he sometimes forgets to flush (a
problem that we are working on.  Ice cream sandwiches make a good reward
for a succesful flush.  Those, or a trip to Home Depot.)  He is still
stashing his tools, although he can't remember where he stashed them
after the fact.  I keep finding his stashes everywhere.  On the kitchen
table, handsfull of screws and bolts in the living room, the bathroom,
bookshelves, etc.
Should I take him in to his vet for the Tenessee panel?
Worried in Massachusetts
[Posted in FML issue 4595]