Hey, I have another question .... this time about ferret fleas :-(
Apparently, Sasha & Snowy have picked up some fleas somewhere and since
I've never had to combat this problem with any pets I've had, I'm not
sure where to begin.
I thought that it might have come from when we moved into our new home
in June (was a cat there prior to me, over a year ago) but b/c I have
such 'juicy' blood, I'm POSITIVE I would have been scratching as well
so I doubt they are in the carpet ....
I'm assuming they are fleas (brown, tear-shaped bugs that dash very
quickly when detected and are leaving 'dirt-looking' residue in the
kiddos' fur)!  I've picked like 3-4 off of them off when I bathe them
but apparently I'm not getting all of them!
Of course I've washed all of their bedding and related items, to no
avail, and have tried 'dipping' them/spraying them with their Marshall
Farms brand flea spray but a few of these bugs just keep coming back!
ARGH!!!  I just hate seeing my precious little kiddos with "bite marks"
on them - like they are getting eating alive!
So, what is a safe method of eliminating these pesky critters (vs. going
to the vet)???  I'm itching (no pun intended) to know!!!
Jennifer, Sasha & Snowy
[Posted in FML issue 4591]