Dis is Lil Bear Heyn!  I live wit Ela, who is in SOS, to help out da
ferrets dat don't have homes and live in ferret shelters!  (I come from
a shelter, too!!  It is run by my Auntie Gail in New Jersey!)
I tink a lot of you read about my Auntie Chris, who runs a shelter
in Oregon.  She got in an accident and she is in da hospital, and her
little grandson went to da Rainbow Bridge. :-<
And he was only a little baby! :-<
My Mommy Ela is in SOS, and she says dat SOS is running a raffle to help
raise money to help Auntie Chris and da ferrets in her shelter.  Da
raffle will also go to help Auntie Brenda and her shelter.
Da prizes on dis raffle are so nice ... an afghan and a sleepy sack.  And
dey are a very nice blue and green colour that TOUGH ferrets like me
like!  Dey aren't sissy pink or any colours like dat!
And der is a second prize package dat is even BETTER!!!  It has crocheted
eggs and ferret treats and sleepy sacks (also in tough ferret colours ..
You can see all of da prizes and how to buy tickets at:
Mommy said to remind you dat: it is for both Lakeroad Ferret Farm
Rescue/Shelter and for Chris Mathis, Oregon Ferret Shelter, who was in
that horrible accident... i just heard that they do not expect her to be
ambulatory [be able to walk] for at least a year or more...and that she
is in a convelescent hospital right now...and her daughter is still in
the hospital with not much change...
And Mommy said it would also make SOS very happy if you sent money
directly to Auntie Chris to help her out!  And if you buy da tickets for
da raffle which are only $1 each, or 6 for five one dollars, den you can
help my Aunties AND win prizes for your TOUGH ferrets!!!
So, please help out my Aunties and da ferrets wit no homes who live wit
dem ... okay?
Just go to:  http://raffle.supportourshelters.org
Tank you!
- Da Lil Bear Heyn
[Posted in FML issue 4595]