I was thinking about my ferret Stanley that passed away one week ago
Sunday.  This happened back in the Spring.  One day I was in my bedroom
closet looking to see what clothes I was going to wash, I had about three
loads that needed to be done.  I decided to wash only one load for I was
running short on time.  So I picking things out of the basket, Then I was
making trips to toss them over the plexiglass, and coming back to the
closet to look for more jeans and socks.  Well I was ready to jump over
the flexiglass and headed down the hall then downstairs to wash my jeans
and socks.  Well I started picking them up and noticed some socks was
missing, I just knew I had more than what was there, I just happened to
look in the ferret room and there was Stanley dragging a a sock behind
the dresser where he sleeps, He came out of the room in a flash to see
what I was doing and headed for the laundry pile to get another sock, I
just did not have the heart to pick up the rest of the socks, so I took
the jeans downstairs and washed them!!  Stanley loved socks, when he was
a little Stanley I bought him his Own pair of Green Baby socks, he would
hide them and drag them around.
Missing Stanley
(Signed Stanley's mom Ada)
Weaselpals Hammocks and Sleepers:
[Posted in FML issue 4621]