I just got this note from Dr. Karen Purcell.  The number for AAHA Press,
according to my personal notes is 1-800-252-2242.  I personally find
this book extraordinarily clear and incredibly useful.  Even just the
section on medication dosing is something I use time and time again, and
know a lot of folks who also do.  Besides, if memory serves it was very
affordable.  It is one of my two favorites of the ferret veterinary texts
that I have.
Begin forwarded message:
>Hi Sukie,
>My computer is having issues sending emails, so I'm asking you to
>forward this to the FML and FHL at your discretion.
>I just received notice from AAHA that Essentials of Ferrets: A Guide
>for Practitioners is being discontinued as of October 2004.  Anyone
>still wishing to purchase this text should contact the publisher as
>soon as possible, since I'm not sure how many copies are left.
>Thank you for allowing this commercial message.
>Karen Purcell DVM
> aka Dr. Karen
[Posted in FML issue 4621]