>From:    Lisa Vible <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Nipping Problem
>... I know they aren't nipping me to hurt me, they are rough playing,
>but they are being really wild and I think playing too hard.  They love
>each other very much because when I come down stairs in the morning they
>are all piled up in their big hammock sleeping together.
Breaking up ferrets who play rough and nip you is normal.  They are all
wound up and ready to play rough with each other.  Sometimes they forget
you don't have nice fur and tough skin like they do.  No blood, no poop,
no big deal.  Don't worry about breaking them up.
If you want to pick them up, wait for them to rest and do flat ferret.
It'll be a lot easier on your hands.
[Posted in FML issue 4583]