Ok, this has me totally baffelled.  All five of my guys have stopped
eating.  I normally give them one scoop of food a day and they eat it
when they're hungry.  It's a mix of three different kinds of food that
they all pick out thier favorite from.  I noticed about 4 days ago that
there didn't seem to be much gone from the food dish.  I added more
anyway because they do occasionally skip a day when it's really hot out.
Day three I was sure no food had been taken from the dish so I dumped it
out and got all new food.  I keep a months worth in a large sealed bin,
so I checked to make sure it wasn't moldy or wet or anything.  It appears
to be fine.  It is the 5th day and they still don't seem to be eating.  I
offered food from my hand which usually works, but they wouldn't take it.
I do know that all five of them hide food, so I assume they are eating
thier stashes.  They are all acting just fine and not loosing any wieght.
They aren't interested in treats or ferretvite either.  I would normally
assume that some one was sick if they stopped eating, but this is all
five (the entire business) at the same time.  I am currently flat broke,
so I'm off to buy new food bags with my credit card!  This is the only
thing I can think of to do.  Seems ridiculous to have to break into the
emergency fund to replace food that seems ok to me.  But ferrets come
first so off I go.
If anyone has any ideas what would cause all five babies to go off thier
food at the same time I really could use some ideas.  The only thing I
can think of that changed is that I took them out for the day so I could
flea bomb.  But I took all the cages/bedding/food/and ferret stuff in
general outside.  I wonder if it could be the heat?  (no A/C, but they
have a personal ferret pool to cool off in that they use).
[Posted in FML issue 4582]