Hi everyone.  I have a question that I feel would receive the most
knowledgeable answer to at the FML.  My dog, Brandy, is 12yrs.  old, and
POSSIBLY has Lymes Disease, according to my vet, who won`t be for very
much longer.  He says she has signs of lymes, but failed to test for it
while I was at his office w/her.  .500mg of Amoxicillin, 2x a day for
30days, was all that was prescribed!  She is better, after about 20 days
on med.  But my question is; are my fuzzies at risk from her diagnosis?
They do not interact, but they are all inside together most of the time.
I wrote the afa, with no reply.  Does anyone have any info. about the
risks, if any, to my 3 furrbutts?  My ferrets are always inside & out
each day to romp around the rooms where the dog also lives.  I`m pretty
much up on `ferret health` issues, as I have had 8 over the years, &
treated for everything from Adrenal to insulinoma.I am disabled, and
therefore home w/them most of the time.  It`s just this Lyme problem that
I`m not sure of.  They also are treated w/Advantage, so being inside,
their chances of acquiring a tick of their own is unlikely.  Could
anyone enlighten me on this problem??
,John, Tyler, Ruby, Lukey, & Brandy.  animal house!!
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[Posted in FML issue 4582]