Re Lupron, We have one ferret that became symptomatic a year after
adrenal surgery, and was started on lupron depot 100mcgs/ month.  Within
2 months she had regrown her hair, and was as perky as ever.  That was 3
years ago!  She (Xena Wimpy Princess), is still with us, is a bit slower
now, and we had to increase her dose to 200mcgs/month 6 months ago.  One
fuzzie we got from the shelter was on 200 mcg/month of the lupron depot,
but was seriously symptomatic, and in obvious distress.  Our Vet felt in
the name of comfort, that she needed surgery to remove the tumor that was
pressing on her nerves causing her distress, exhibited by her attempting
to get away from herself, grunting, and just plain old couldn't get comfy
symptoms.  The tumor (huge) was debulked, but even with the surgery and
the double dosing of lupron, it did no good and we lost dear sweet
Maggie.  Her cage-mate that we got at the same time was also on lupron
through the shelter, but was in such an advanced stage of FTT (failure
to thrive) that she was from the get-go, unable to stand, could not eat
solids, and had serious neuro deficits... so the lupron did not help her
one whit.  She too went over the rainbow bridge.
Our Vet has started referring adrenal ferrets to me to get lupron
injections (He always calls first to make sure it's okay, and I have
some), and Laurie's fuzzy, after surgery was still not growing his hair.
After 2 months at 200mcg/month..  he's furry!  Our newest fuzz-butt, Bu
has been too ill to face surgery, and the tests came back that he is
adrenal... along with an enlarged prostrate and chronic bladder infection
(hopefully now cleared up after 2 regimes of Baytril, and one of Amoxi).
I am seeing some progress with his prostrate size diminishing after one
shot of 200mcg.  From what I am reading, how-ever, I think his dose needs
to be really increased up to 500mcg/month.  Our Vet is adamant that while
you can give too little Lupron, you CANNOT overdose them!  If anyone has
proof to the contrary, please please e me!
It's too soon to know if the lupron is helping yet another person's
ferret at this time, especially after just one shot of 200mcg/month.
While the numbers of successes vs failures are disappointing, I can
only attest to knowing for sure that Xena has consistently had her shots,
and has responded wonderfully.  Those from the shelter had no health
histories to verify consistency.  We only use the Lupron Depot (one month
version), and I would not be comfortable using any other 'strength'.
Re choosing a fuzzy by color.  This is America, and if someone picks
his critter by color, hey, they may find out that ferrets are awesome
companions, and realize that like people, color does not matter, they're
all dooking deities on the inside!  If a loving caring human can get a
ferret out of a petstore, or better yet, from a Shelter, love, care, play
and nurture that same ferret....does it really matter what drew that
person to the fuzzy?
My Vet has told me horror stories about people bringing in all manner of
beasties to be 'put down' with the only reason being that the person (s)
had redecorated, and said furball no longer matched the decor!  Needless
to say, our Vet has a housefull of non-color coordinated companions!  Our
home is tastefully decorated in uh, oh, ....guess it's not!(Unless you
count the ferret stains) ;-)
That's it from Wild Weasel Rez, Michelle, Willie and the gang of 15
[Posted in FML issue 4561]