Hi guys!
Sukie liked my poem! Yay! Thanks Sukie!
Stephanie Baas wrote:
>And I wonder, how are we going to learn from each other if no one dares
>give their opinion anymore
You're so right, Stephanie, but it seems that people are still okay
posting here for the most part.  I don't think the danger of flaming
is as bad here as it is elsewhere.
Unlike a list I joined on Yahoo! recently: the list was ostensibly for
sharing information regarding a specific subject.  However, the list
owner would post long "lectures" and "invite" people to "respond".  If
your response was anything other than blatant behind-smooching of the
list owner, he would fly into a rage and pick apart your post to
manipulate your words so that he would best be able to oust you in your
"stupidity, cowardice," etc...  He had a little peanut gallery who would
adopt some of his insults and repeat them along with the equivalent of
"yeah" and "that's right".  Most of these people had uaually not educated
themselves regarding the topics at hand, either.  (needless to say, I
was quickly "banished" from that Yahoo! group) So the FML is a veritable
Hall of Reason comparatively.
As an added bonus, BIG takes such good care of us!
Maybe a lot of people either don't think they have anything to
contribute, or don't want to clutter up the list with repeats of "I
agree" or "LOL!" posts.  True, if you support an idea, it's good idea
to say so, even if you don't have anything to add.  But a lot of people
are busy, or feel like someone else could say it better, or whatever.
I think it's good that you want to encourage more people to post more
Of course, if everyone rambled on like _I_ do, would we even have time
to *read* all of it? :P
My 2 cents.  Oh yes, and I want to send out deep and lasting ferret
hugs to everyone who has lost one or more to the Bridge in the past few
weeks.  I can only tell you that they *do* know how much you love them.
That's because ferrets are very intelligent!
(And, of course, Mab and Dustbin)
christine newkirk
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Please visit my website: http://www.midnightferret.com
[Posted in FML issue 4580]