Dear Shery,
If you like, you might do a google search ( for the
effects of second hand smoke in pets.  When I did, I found copious
information related to your query, but I don't know how well justified
it all is.  From personal experience, we adopted two ferrets from a
shelter maintained by a smoker who, like you, kept the windows shut.
I think she went outside to smoke, but her husband did not.  Just a
guess, but I suspect the smoke-free environment in my home seems to
have significantly improved the health of these two once very little
and sickly guys, who are both now very strong and athletic, perhaps
even too big depending on your standards.  They are both five years
old but act about 3, so this is truly a remarkable turnaround.  I still
worry over those left at the shelter, but a body does adjust some to
it's environment.
Take care,
Kelly & MaryAnn
[Posted in FML issue 4579]