I wrote this some years ago for those on the FML who have angeled
fuzzies.  I just thought I would post it again.
Ode to a Ferret
I hope there's a place for ferrets
in that wonderland above.
A place with lots of raisins
ferret treats and fuzzielove.
A place with plastic tubes
and great big piles of clothes.
A place with many dresser drawers,
ferret toys, and bare toes.
I found him at the shelter.
He was mine right from the start.
I picked him up, he licked my face,
and wrapped himself around my heart.
I brought him home and it was great.
We really had a ball.
We played chase, and hide and seek.
He was in my coveralls.
He crawled underneath the rug,
a cunning carpetshark.
And as all good ferrets know
'can't see me in the dark.'
He played all those little ferret games
like 'dig out the flower pot',
the weasel dance, and chase my toes.
Where are those socks he got?
I stayed up all night when he was sick
to nurse him back to health.
And when I seen him eat again
T'was worth more then any wealth.
He was my friend, he'd tag along
most any where I'd go.
For anyone who would stop and look
his ferret trix he'd show.
All ferrets grow old and tired
just like my furfriend did.
One night he reached up and licked my tears
then crossed the rainbow bridge.
I hope God puts on a grin,
and takes some things in stride.
For all those clouds that he digs up,
and the moonbeams that he hides.
Up in the sky I almost see
him do the weasel dance.
One day I'd like to join him,
if I only have the chance.
           Duane C. Watts
Duane & Linda Watts and the fuzzies
Dozier, Taz, Suger, Holly, Sparky, Skeeter, Scooter, Blaze, Chance,
Sarah, Gidget, Sandi, Raven, Jasmin, Daisy, Bennie, Rascal, Ginger,
And Sabrina (our Dog)
Missing:Cocoa, Ann, Bandit, Mindy, Mandy, Smokey, Romeo, Spooky,
Luigi, and Podo
[Posted in FML issue 4577]