Hi Everyone,
I am putting together the packages to be sent out to those who have
requested the donations.  Not all the packages will be large since I
only have limited items but I want to help everyone.  I cried when I
read some of your emails and my heart strings were severely pulled.  So
many shelters are in need and there isn't much help out there.  The
organizations that were designed to help are already swamped helping out
other shelters.  I sent letters out to a couple vets in my area and
received calls from some of them who said they would be willing to send
a package to a couple of the shelters that were in a worst way.  I was
amazed at how quickly some of the vets responded but this many be another
avenue that several have not attempted yet.  To be honest, none of them
were specializing in ferrets, so it doesn't have to be a ferret vet.  In
my experience several vets want to help out those in need but you just
have to ask.  But I was very touched by the letters I recieved.  If I won
the lottery tommorrow, I know where my money would go.  I would send the
money to all those who need it (now I am not saying I won't buy a bigger
house and give the ferrets an even larger room).  I have everyone's
addresses and will be sending the packages on this coming monday since I
have time on Sunday to put them together.  For those of you who are or
will be attending the July Show, please let me know, I can put together
your package Friday.
Dawn Smith, Vice President
Legion of Supeferrets
[Posted in FML issue 4576]