Never 'assume' you know all the facts - that's a good thing to learn in
this life.  There is always more to learn, trust me on that.  You don't
know me, please stop presenting yourself as an expert and telling me what
*I* should be doing.  There are plenty of places you could direct that
energy that would be more effective.
This is the last attempt I will make to explain the situation to you.
Please pay attention this time.  I DID contact the local Humane Society;
AND I contacted the state office of the Humane Society, AND the
Department of Agriculture, who regulates pet stores in this state.  The
guy has been cited and closed (he opened a new, bigger store a mile down
the road a few months later), cited again and again and is still open.
His family has money and political influence in this city.  I've been
fighting this guy for approximately 10 years in regards to his negligent
care of animals in the pet store (he used to have TWO pet stores in town,
and he's down to one now, so I guess that's good).  As I said previously,
I have been banned from the premises (almost four years ago now), so I
have no way to report on what kind of care the animals in his care are
receiving, except what I hear I encourage the people
who complain to report it to the Humane Society, as they will only take
firsthand reports (yes, I've tried).  I have done everything I know to do
to shut this guy down and it just hasn't worked.  That's why I did the
public protest streetside in front of his store almost four years ago.
It made the local news, got him closed down, and drew a lot of attention
for a while.  It let folks know that they CAN do something about
unacceptable care when they see it.  I have done all I intend to do with
this man.  So, please don't *assume* what has or hasn't been done and
tell me to report this guy to the Humane Society - I've gone soo far
beyond that!!  My best hope at this time is that the new, national chain
petstore that is about to open here will put the guy completely out of
business.  That should happen within the next six months if we're lucky.
FYI, I don't have to take my ferrets through the border checkpoints
for it to directly affect me that ferrets are being confiscated there.
The day I saw that gal's house who was hoarding/collecting border
confiscations in her filthy home - THAT affected me directly.  I was
tied up for a couple of months making phone calls, writing letters, etc,
making sure she not only got shut down, the ferrets got removed and
that Hildy made sure she got this gal off the 'on call' list for border
rescuers.  AGAIN, that was several years ago.  I *DID* my 'thing'
fighting the good battle to save every little ferret life I could.  You
won't find anyone who loves ferrets more than I do, so don't try to
'explain' to me how you can't live without yours - believe me, I
understand.  I love mine enough that I don't care WHAT the situation
was, I would NEVER live in California, nor even visit with them as long
as ferrets are illegal there!
Your public indiscretion and encouraging folks to break the law DOES
affect me when I know it's a problem finding people to rehome confiscated
ferrets in this city.  I admit that I don't know what the current
situation is - maybe they aren't confiscating at the border anymore, but
the last I knew they were - at least at the Yuma port of entry.  I hope
it's true that they are NOT doing border confiscations - nothing would
make me happier!  Please call Hildy for the latest stats on this.  I gave
you her contact information.  Follow thru - do half as much as I have
done for this cause!  All I can say is that you sound very young and
someday you may find out that life can get very different than what you
are now experiencing.
Like I said, call Hildy and she will tell you for sure IF they are
confiscating at border stations.  Call the pet store owner and raise hell
about how he runs his store......or just call him everyday and ask if the
poor pets in his care have food and water and the temperature in the
store is below 80 degrees.  Apparently you have the time, energy and
inclination - or do you just like to bitch at me?  Instead of complaining
about what I do or don't it yourself.  Writing to me here
won't accomplish a thing; I can't act on any of it right now and I have
no recent facts to go on.
Yes it still "irks me that you would post the information in such a
public forum" with such a smug attitude without the WARNINGS that need to
be posted - some unsuspecting ferret owner could lose a ferret because of
your 'half' information.  And no, "I won't be taking my ferrets thru the
weak spots mentioned" because we just don't take them to California - so
don't try to read anything more into my words nor put words into my
mouth.  Everything I said is true and I stand by my words.  Whatever MORE
you read into it, isn't my problem.  As far as what you decide to do with
your ferrets, hey, who am I to tell you?  You're the kind of person who
isn't going to listen until it happens to you anyway, so yes, I am
wasting my breath on you.
To folks thinking of taking their ferrets across the California border,
I'd encourage you to contact Jeanne Carley at Ferrets Anonymous or Hildy
Langewis and ASK what the CURRENT SITUATION is - don't take anyone else's
word.  They are on the front lines of this battle.  These folks deal with
the problem on a daily basis and can give you FACTS.  If it's safe, they
will tell you so!
For MC and Deva - God, I hope you're right!!  That would be awesome if
there really isn't a threat going thru the border checkpoints anymore.
I don't know Deva, but MC is usually 'right on' with his facts, so
hopefully it's true!  My greatest hope and prayer is that ferrets will be
legalized in California.  I called AND wrote my letter to the Governor
expressing my views and begging him to keep this SB-89 bill alive, so I
do feel that I have done something for the effort.
As far as I'm concerned, I won't be responding to any further personal
attacks and accusations from you, Pam.  Go play with your ferrets.  I've
had my say and you've had yours.  I have no respect for you.  To keep
repeating myself is ridiculous and a waste of space here and people's
time reading repetitive your so-called 'facts'.
I wish EVERYONE a safe and unobstructed journey with their ferrets - my
only hope is that NOT EVEN ONE MORE ferret gets removed from his/her
family while traveling just because they are at the California border.
It's a ridiculous law, but sadly until it is changed, there MAY be danger
to unsuspecting travelers and their beloved little furkids.  IF it does
happen, the law will NOT be on your side as a ferret owner crossing into
an illegal area.  Be informed - and get it from the people who deal with
it everyday, not someone who has managed to 'sneak' thru and 'laughs at
CFG and denies their authority' - that's not where you want to get
information that may cost your ferret its life.
jacquie rodgers
[Posted in FML issue 4575]