Hi, all-
Things just haven't been the same around here without Saraferret and
her...teeny little head and her...unpredictable savage bites.  She was
also a *darn* hard worker, and we have plenty of work to go around up
here.  I can really use the help.
I've been interviewing potential Junior Greeters, but the Big Boss
finally made the decision for me.  (No, I *said* the Tasmanian Devil
with the lisp was only a rumor!)
It seems that there is a young fellow named Muldoone who needs an eye
kept on him, and the Big Boss felt that it would serve a dual purpose if
Muldoone could do Greetings under supervision.  Supervision.  You know,
that really sort of worries me.  Why does he need to be under
I am told that he will report for work tomorrow.  (sigh) I hope he
doesn't bite.
For their parts, Saraferret and Hermionie have been observed building an
*igloo* way up North Where the Ermine Live.  At night, when it is very
cold (it is mostly night up there) little puffs of ferret breath rise
from the igloo's ventilation hole like smoke from a smokestack.
Saraferret is said to have traded her old safari garb for a parka and
mukluks.  Hermionie 's coat has become very lush, naturally, all on it's
The ermine do not know what to make of this!  They are solitary creatures
by nature, but they have been getting together to discuss this strange
[Posted in FML issue 4574]