>I am using taurine and CoEnzyme Q to support my little guys heart (he
>has a murmur), but was wondering what (if any) product is used to
>support the kidneys...and at what dosage?  Many thanks!
Hello ~
In looking at natural remedies for kidneys it's important to know first
what not to use.  Tannins are typically found in the bark and leaves of
many herbs and are frequently applied as having "astringent action."
Herbs that are high in tannins include: uva ursi; any part of the juniper
plant (including essential oil of juniper); black walnut hulls; and white
oak bark.  Tannins are usually used to reduce inflammation of mucous
membranes in the digestive and urinary tracts, but if used extensively
they can produce the opposite reaction, to irritate tissues, especially
kidney tissues.
An alternative herb is one that will alter an existing condition in the
body by strengthening or stimulating various systems and eliminating
waste from the bloodstream.  For kidney infections your main herb could
be astragalus in combination with corn silk.  Both are very nourishing
and the corn silk acts to remove excess liquid from the system.
The best way to administer this would be to buy the loose herb if you
can get it locally.  I would probably make it on a two third astragalus
to one third corn silk proportion.  Place one sixteenth of a tablespoon
in a cup of non-chemically treated water and let steep for 5 minutes.
Strain and give 3-5 drops to 200 ml of their drinking water.  Depending
on your ferret's needs you can change the water twice a day.  If you are
supporting kidney function I would stay on a lower dose; if you are
changing kidney function I would use a mid-range dose.  I always like to
start on the lowest dose possible because if there is no change, then I
can go up the scale.
When using any herb that can act as a diuretic like corn silk, please be
sure to monitor your ferret's intake of drinking water.
The website below is a wonderful place to buy loose herbs.
Warmly ~
Mary L. Conley, ND, Herbalist
Conley Farm Organic Herbs
Online Classes
From time immemorial it has been known that Providential Means have
placed in nature the prevention and cure of disease, by means of divinely
enriched herbs, plants, and trees.   ~ Dr. Edward Bach
[Posted in FML issue 4574]