Dis is da Lil Bear.  And guess what?  I went to a CONCERT tonight!
Mom brought a blanket and my harness and leash, and I went to hear da New
Jersey Symphony orchestra in da park.  I really liked it, and everyone
told me I am very cute!  (I KNOW DAT!)
I asked Mommy afterwards if I am cultured now.  She said, "Yup, Lil
Bear ..  you are cultured like a yogurt now!"  LIKE A YOGURT, EVERYONE!
Ohboyohboyohboy ..  I am cultured!
- Lil Bear, da CULTURED one
P.S.  Da people behind us TALKED all trough da concert, and Mommy didn't
like dat.  She said dat means dey are not as cultured as I am!!
    (000)___(000)        Ela Heyn
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