Hi all, my wife and I have been taking in rescues for some time.  The
young ones are can be placed in good homes, but the oldsters stay with
us and want for nothing in our care.  But this year the 7-9 yrs have
one by one erned there angel wings.
Smokey, a sweat dark eyed white boy left us early in the year.  This guy
was a cuddeler and loved to be held.
Cocoa, a chocolate girl came to us through a friend at work.  We had her
for about two years.  She was always a sweatheart who got along with all
the others.
Spooky, an albino from the Utah rescue in 2001.  A fun loving boy that
played hard and got into many shinanigans.
Romeo, a loner that had health problems for the year we had him.  We took
him in for the last shot because he had megaesophigus (sp).
Ann, an old girl that didn't put up with the goofyness of the other
ferrets, but loved to be held by her hoomans.  Ann was Cocoa's cagemate.
Luigi, who we lost Monday night had a growing mass in his tummy.  Even
though I was hand feeding him, he grew thin and hairless.  Too old for
surgery we loved this sweat old man until his body couldn't go any more.
I hand fed all of these kids through the last days of their lives as we
gave them love and supportive care.  As each one left us our hearts kept
breaking and somehow we would tape our hearts back together, hug the
other fuzzies and continue on.
My hat is off to you wonderful shelter operaters.
Duane & Linda Watts and the fuzzies
Dozier, Taz, Suger, Holly, Sparky, Skeeter, Scooter, Blaze, Chance,
Sarah, Gidget, Sandi, Raven, Jasmin, Daisy, Bennie, Rascal, Ginger,
Sophie, And Sabrina (our Dog)
Missing:Cocoa, Ann, Bandit, Mindy, Mandy, Smokey, Romeo, Spooky,
Luigi, and Podo
[Posted in FML issue 4573]