I need help from my fellow ferret parents.  I have recently written a
children's book about the life of my former Furry Friend that past away
July 17th, 2003.  We have submitted this book and idea to many publishers
with good response but nobody wants to publish this book.
I'm asking for each of you to look inside your address books and put
me in touch with someone that will talk to me and read this book.  We
recently had a reading at Barnes and Nobles and the parents wanted to
know where they could purchase the additional books.  We had to explain
to them that it hasn't been published yet but look soon.
We currently have 7 books written and each has a moral at the end to
help children with issues of being different, overcome obsticles, being
yourself, doctor's visit, etc.  Forrest was a gimpy Ferret that overcame
all obsticles to be a great friend, brother and son and with his short
life being more meaningful than all of our long lives combined.
Help me get this book published so that Forrest the Ferret could live on
For more information you can email me at [log in to unmask]
Thanks in advance for all your help.
Travis Chivers
[Posted in FML issue 4573]