I was just wondering if anyone has had this happen before.  My little
girl is all ferret gets into everything.  Well I am kitten sitting for
my son and they are a mess getting into everything.  Anyway the kittens
got behind the dryer and knocked off the vent hose.  A little later I was
outside and heard a noise in the garage and went to find my little baby
girl playing away.  It really scared me as to how in the world she could
have gotten out and after looking every where I found the dryer hose off
and figured she went through the wall.  I couldnt believe it at first
then remembered it was my little girl.  I have the hose on very tight and
the kittens will be gone on Friday.  Is there anything else I can do to
stop her from getting through?  Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Cindy, Slick and Sammy
[Posted in FML issue 4573]