Hey all its me again.
Thank you all for your letters about Tinker bell.
My father was able to help me take them to the vet and get them their
check ups.  Mocha and Tinker bell are fine.They are my Whippets.  My
sable Wendy is bad sick.  She has not been eating or drinking for days.
I'm really worried about her.She is so weak and can't walk.I don't even
get kisses anymore. :(  Man I really miss that.
OK so here is the deal.  The vet said Wendy has Campylobactor illness.
I have to keep her separate from the others.  They are not happy about
that.  I have researched everything I can can about this.  The reason I
am writing is to see if anyone has any more information about this
Cathy Jo
[Posted in FML issue 4570]