We had a fert act the same way a couple of years ago....and it was due to
a gum inflammation!!!  Antibiotics (oral) took care of it, and Zorro is
still a fat happy dooker.
Be aware that ferrets can and do develop Adrenal tumors/ Insulinomas at
all ages!
We have one rescue that is not yet 2 that is Insulinomic, and have had
fuzz-butts that age come to us with Adrenal tumors as well .  Speaking
of which, Bu, our most recent rescue, is Adrenal per the Tenn.  panel
results.  He is reported to be 'about 1-2 years old' Hard to tell given
the horrid condition he was in when we picked him up tho.  We're trying
like mad to get him strong enough to have our Vet operate...looks like
his prostrate is really inflamed/ or cancerous...can be seen when he's
on his back without palpating.  He has relapsed after the last regime
of Baytril...so tried him on Clavamox, it hasn't touched him, still
producing what looks like lemon pudding from the urethra.  He's now back
on the Baytril injects, and will keep him on it for at least 2 or 3 weeks
given the 10 day regimes weren't long enough.  He is such a sweetheart,
not a mean bone in his body, a real Omega.  If anyone has had a rescue
that had such Urinary Tract problems that were difficult to treat,
please, I can use all the info available.  God knows how long he had it
before we got him.  His entire belly and hind legs were caked with dark
crusty dried urine.  We can handle an incontinent fuzzy, just as long as
he's a HEALTHY piddler!  ( and no, we can't get him to wear attends!)
Michelle, Willie and the gang of 15
[Posted in FML issue 4570]