Hello, all,
I'm on deployment right now and have no access to the Web, so I'm having
a bit of difficulty doing some fact finding.  I'm wondering if you
experts would be so kind as to look over this letter I wrote to Governor
Ahnuld and let me know if I make any major factual errors, 'specially
since I make some pretty bold assertions.
Dear Governor Schwarzenegger,                   20JUL04
                                                at sea
I am writing to you to weigh in on the issue of SB-89.  I am not a
resident of California; however, I may very well become one -- as a Sonar
Technician in the United States Navy, I may very likely be posted to the
Fleet Antisubmarine Warfare Training Center, Pacific, in San Diego.
I support the legalization of ferrets as pets in California.  For too
long, the laws & policies of California have regarded ferrets as wild
animals subject to viciousness & rabies.  Nothing could be farther from
the truth.  The ferret is a truly domesticated animal, totally dependent
on humans for survival.  There are no documented cases of feral ferret
communities in the United States because ferrets simply die without human
care.  In contrast, there are many, many cases of feral dogs & cats --
yet dogs & cats are legal.  There are no incidences of fatal attacks on
humans by ferrets whereas fatal attacks by dogs are sadly not rare -- yet
dogs are legal.  Proportionally speaking, there are many more cases of
rabies in dogs & cats than in ferrets -- yet dogs and cats are legal pets
and ferrets are somehow "wild, dangerous animals."
Ferrets make wonderful pets to those willing to invest time & energy in
them.  I have a ferret whom I cherish (even when she burrows under the
blankets to nibble my toes).  It is simply not fair to afford legality &
protection to more "conventional" pets like cats & dogs -- and even to
so-called "exotics" like spiders, snakes & other reptiles -- while
denying ferret aficionados their companions of choice.  It is not fair to
present would-be residents of California the choice of giving up beloved
pets or breaking the law.
I ask you to please support SB-89 and to sign it into law if -- and,
hopefully, WHEN -- it comes across your desk.
I thank you for your time, sir, and remain
Sincerely yours,
 Kathryn M. Woods
 (address, &c.)
Reginald -- in regards to your request for information about military
bases' policies on ferrets, I will see what I can do to find out about
Norfolk-area military housing.  I'm not sure how much is actually
available on board, but I should be able to tap my contacts back home
to get some info for you.
 -- Kat
[Posted in FML issue 4570]