I just got off the phone with Joanne Dreeben who runs the local ferret
shelter in Yonkers.  She is also a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.
She had a sick animal (not a ferret) brought to her several weeks ago
who appeared to have distemper.  It was put down *immediately* on the
assumption that it did have distemper, and she took precautions to
contain the suspected problem (double bagged the body,
bleached/disinfected everything, shut off the main ferret room, changed
clothes, etc., etc.).
Despite all of her precautions, the virus found it's way into the shelter
area, and several ferrets have been infected.  All those that were
symptomatic have been put down; one was tested early on to confirm that
it was indeed infected with distemper.  (Even some of the ones which were
current on their vaccinations became infected; in one cage holding three,
two got sick and one didn't.  That may be indicitive of a low immunity
issue with the ferrets or it may indicate that the virus mutated enough
to make the vaccination ineffective.  We don't know, although in a
shelter environment the first is more likely.)
Distemper is nearly 100% fatal.  The virus is airborne, and can be
brought inside on your shoes or clothing.  The *best* protection is
to keep your animals -dogs, cats and ferrets - up to date on their
vaccinations.  If money is tight, check with your vet about a payment
plan or ask around about local vaccination clinics to see if you can
have it done inexpensively, but please please *please*, if your pets
do not have a bad reaction history, keep them up to date.
Right now Joanne is shut down - no ferrets go in or out.  If all goes
well, she should be "clean" in 2-3 weeks (if no more animals get sick,
it's been seven days since the last one).  She is running in quarantine
mode, going through a lot of disinfectant and disposable rubber gloves,
and hoping that she won't see any more of this, because any ferret that
turns up sick with needs to be put down.
Joanne called to let me know that the problem is here in Westchester, in
my backyard.  I'm writing to all of you to remind you that it could be
lurking in yours too.  Please send her and the surviving ferrets good
thoughts and prayers.  If anyone wants to send a note of support (or
donation), she can be reached at:
Joanne Dreeben
576 Valley Ave
Yonkers, NY 10703
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-Ilena Ayala
[Posted in FML issue 4570]