Hi Trish
I have written a poem for every ferret of mine that has gone to the
ridge, That's 12 poems, I wont put them on the FML, might have "Big"
crying his eyes out and I like to remember him laughing, LOL, I'll give
you one here if you want the rest let me know and I will mail them
Cheers Stephenie
I see a candle in the dark
A tinny golden flame
I know that candle burns for me
Because [PE] know her name
The name is Pinda
Sweet and soft
I held her close last night
Today I gave her eternal rest
To take away her pain
My tears run free
I miss her so
But selfish I could not be
My love for her has made it clear
That I must set her free
Pinda soft small and sweet
My tiny golden flame
Play with friends in meadows green
Until we meet again
[Posted in FML issue 4569]