Used to be that the routes that were somewhat 'safe' to take to enter
California with ferrets was a fairly closely guarded secret that could
be obtained with some carefully sent emails to the right people.
The past few days I've read more information about getting ferrets into
California than I knew previously.  That's really nice of y'all to post
it, but what makes you think that posting it here won't make CFG Dept
watch those places closer and we won't be able to get them in at all?????
Sometimes discretion is the better part of valor.  Instead of bragging
that you know a way to get in, why don't you keep the information to
yourself and give it out very very discretely and using much
discrimination.  It will also be YOUR ferrets lives on the line when
you try to do it next and they are there waiting for you.  Thanks for
pointing out all the weak spots to Fish & Game........I'm sure they
appreciate your help so they know where to strengthen their borders.
Myself?  It rather pisses me off because it does affect me directly.  I
won't be taking my kids thru the 'weak spots' mentioned, that's for sure.
I'm sure they won't e weak for long.  Thanks for nuthin'.  Did you use to
spoil surprise parties as a child also???????  (sorry, but this rather
irks me that someone would take it upon themselves to post this
information in such a public forum!)
jacquie, kylie & gilbert
[Moderator's note: The directions for the bypass routes have appeared
here MANY times (e.g. FMLs 1254 & 1277 from 1995 and many more) and were
even published in a national magazine along with a map!  I think the
spots are certainly well known, but my understanding is that most of
these locations simply aren't built in such a way that would allow an
inspection station to be housed there.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4568]