Hi all,
Dweezil's mom here again, asking for help (again)...
I've got some Essiac tea coming tomorrow that I ordered.  Does anyone
have any hints/tips/info to share?  I'm guesstimating that she'll need
about 0.5mL's twice a day, but does anyone know if it can be mixed with
her Duck Soup or if it has to be taken 'straight'?  (Which I know she'll
She's also still getting 0.25mL's of Prednisolone twice a day, 10 'beads'
from a Prevacid capsule once a day, and milk thistle twice a day.  Is
there any risk of interaction with any of this?
Any help/websites to visit/anything would be ever-so-greatly appreciated!
Dweezil (*now* what are you trying to give me?)
Razzle, Monty-boo, and Jezebel
[Posted in FML issue 4568]