I've been told that Sandi wrote:
>Sukie wrote: "You just said it a lot better than I did, MIke!"
>Yes, thank you Mike.  Sukie didn't address this at all, she just went
>on and on about privacy and her morals.
Actually, I did say it -- something like 5 times -- you just missed it.
That happens.  I know it can happen more easily when a writer is as
verbose as I tend to be, but it was in there often enough that you seem
to maybe be the last person to not notice what I said.  At least, I hope
everyone understands now!
I mostly addressed what was told to me by those who read the complaints
to be the primary complaints, but I did explain that stuff about people
being confused by the seller's wording and using a Lupron other than the
one they thought they were getting, so not getting the type of
formulation and strong enough dose to help their own ferrets.
***** I also said over and over again that my main point was -- and
remains -- that when something is sold to people that they need to be
clearly told what they are buying.  I suspect (though I could be wrong)
that your and Suzanne's (for a while) missing those points emphasizes
that there is a great deal of confusion out there about Lupron.  This
speaks to what I repeatedly said was my main point: that there is no good
reason for confusing wording to be used over a space of years by a seller
or his representative just because he is looking at possible longer term
effects in some ferrets from the non-depot shot.  The seller must be
clear to the people what the differences are between what is being sold
(the 24 hour injection) vs.  the monthly depot which is time release.
There remains a great deal unknown about which ferrets are best helped by
which approach, and two conflicting hypotheses on this score.  One may
apply to some ferrets and one to another.  That simply makes it even more
important that TRUTH IN ADVERTISING & IN SELLING be used.  There is no
good reason for people to not be be told clearly exactly what they are
buying so that their vets can make the most informed choices for the
individual needs of specific ferret patients.  The confusing wording used
has been reported over a space of years; that just plain needs to be
cleaned up because even if intentions are good the treating vets need to
learn clearly when they or their clients are not being sold depot
versions of Lupron.
Sorry about repeating that again but I think that point needs to not be
lost in this morass.  *****
By now I think that it is obvious to everyone that you don't care for me,
which isn't exactly a news flash, so if you have no actual points to make
now that you have read Mike's post other than engaging in a bashfest
could you take a few minutes to think about the ways in which that can be
unfair to the majority of the FML readers who come here to share about
ferrets rather than be either annoyed or bored by people carrying their
private gripes to the list and willingly end it, please?
***** BTW, I don't think that the current preps of Lupron require liquid
nitrogen (but I could be completely wrong so have a mail to someone I
trust asking that question because my impression that the preps may have
changed could be entirely wrong), BUT even if liquid nitrogen is still
needed liquid nitrogen isn't exactly prohibitive to get; we know people
who make their home made ice cream using it.  You can use a special
container (It can be dangerous in a closed vehicle and it damages badly
whatever or whomever it touches -- this being the same stuff magicians
use when they turn a real rose to shatterable "glass" in one trick) but
others who know how to handle it safely (Again, it can be very dangerous
in several ways.) use a wide mouth thermos with a hole in the cork for
some uses.  Please, see:
(Some of the above could be dangerous if not done by someone who strongly
knows the needed precautions.)
(Again, read the safety info.)
(Has link to safety info.)
and similar pages will show you that this is a gas to respect strongly
but also that it is easily acquired and not economically prohibitive so
imagining some vet's offices or compounding pharmacies having this at
times (or even all the time if a lot of ferrets are treated there) should
not be hard for anyone to do.  I figured I'd better mention that because
having liquid nitrogen sounds so prohibitive until a person does a little
reading.  *****
[Moderator's note: I think we've heard enough about what was or was not
said.  If someone has comments about Lupron, that's fine.  But, Sandi
or Sukie, more comments about each other are out of place and won't be
posted.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4567]