----- Original Message -----
 From: [log in to unmask]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 3:00 AM
 Subject: ferret legalization in California
I don't know if everyone saw the news tonight, but the Governor
would like our opinion on passing what is referred to as the ferret
legalization bill.  This is the phone number that you call, listen to the
choices and then vote.  I feel that everyone needs to do this, please
take the time that it takes and get your friends and relatives to vote
yes also.  Lets get green cards for our little guys !!!!!!
Maybe FREEDOM is in our grasp and the ferrets of California can actually
be SAFE for once.
Please call the Governor at 916 445-2841--- I have no idea how long he
will be takeing calls on this issue so please don't put it off.
beverly--effers--possum and mason who would like their status changed to
LEGAL Please Feel Free to Cross Post.
[Posted in FML issue 4566]