Sandee, I was hoping you could check on my little guy Tigger and make
sure he arrived okay and is being shown around.
Tigger passed over to the Bridge on July 1 about 1 AM; he had been
battling insulinoma for a good while.  A few months ago he had surgery to
remove his spleen, left adrenal, and tumors from his pancreas.  He made
it through the surgery okay even though it was long and difficult.  He
had a couple of set backs but he was doing better.  He had gained 3/4 of
a pound in a month and I really thought we were on more firm ground and
he had a chance.  Tigger crashed on me on Wednesday June 30th.  I had him
to two different vets that day and we fought long and hard but in the end
the insulinoma won.  He was such a precious little angel-butt and I miss
him very very much.  People who have seen pictures of him thought he was
very young but he wasn't, the vet said he was 5-6 years old.  He had the
sweetest angelic face that made him look very young.  I took Tigger out
of a life that was pretty bad and I promised him a better one with me,
unfortunately we only had one short but wonderful year together.
So if you will Sandee, please watch out for my little guy, he is very
small; average females are bigger than him and the bigger fuzzbutts will
probably scare him.  He prefers sleepsacs to hammies and he loves to
snuggle.  Also he enjoys tormenting cats so maybe you could find a nice
kitty that would be willing to be bitten on the butt and harassed for a
few days until he feels more at home.  And Sandee, please tell him how
much we loved him, I always called him my angel-butt.  I loved him very
very much and miss him terribly.  He may arrive with a white teddy bear;
I included a little friend when we buried him so he wouldn't get lonely
on his journey.  Tell him that we are so sorry that love wasn't enough to
win out over this horrid disease insulinoma, otherwise ferrets everywhere
would be cured of this.
Lighthouse Ferret Bedding
[Posted in FML issue 4565]