Many shelters have came forth and have offer to come and get my ferrets.
I have found some ladies that are going to help me with rehousing them.
This way they don't need to suffer the extra stress of going from here to
a shelter then to a home.  To all that offered their help thank you I do
so appreciate all you have offered to do.  I also want to thank the man
that offered his time and jet to move them I may call on you as homes are
found for them if it becomes to far to drive them.To the ones that thinks
this is a big joke I can only wish that you are in the same position I am
in someday I'm sure you won't laugh so hard then.
I do have 6 maybe alittle more months to get homes for them and I do have
big hopes that it can be done.  The ones that have offered to give them
homes I will be getting in touch with you.  Excuse me if I don't get back
with you right off.  Somedays I'm slower then others many times after I
feed and water them I need to go to bed and rest.
If any of you want to have a sweet loving ferret as a pet write me what
you are looking for and what you know about being a ferret mom or dad.
( FOREVER HOMES ONLY )  I feel bad for the ones of you that live in CA.
where ferrets are not legal I would not feel right to send any of mine to
you.  I am willing to adopt them to anyone in AZ, CO, ID, MT, NM, OR, UT,
WA, WY, NV, I only ask that you let me come to your home and see where
they are going to be housed and meet you to talk and see how you are
going to care for them.  I don't think I'm asking alot of you to let me
see and meet the homes and families of where my kids will be staying.
Would you not want to check out a day care before you would leave your
children with them.  That is all I am asking of you.
The ones I said I will need to euthanasia they are all terminal they have
never know any place but here and me caring for them.  The stress of
moving them alone would kill them.  They would not understand why they
are being taken away from the only one they know.  I will keep them with
me for as lone as I can.  Then who is still here in the end I will have
a vet come in and help me send them on I will be with them soon after
that to care for them again.  Most will not even make the 6 months.
I just want to thank you all again and to say how much I appreciate all
your offers to help.  I'm not in anyway anti shelter I feel shelters do
a wonderful job in saving so many animals.  I'm just trying to ease the
stress my pets are going through now with me being sick and they know
things are wrong and it is hard on them.  I want to make this as easy
on them as I can.  I do know about ferrets and how things affect them.
[Posted in FML issue 4565]