A little girl came into the Dook-n-Dance Ferret shelter at 2:17 Saturday
afternoon.  Shortly after we picked up this skinny little girl she passed
away in my arms.  At 2:22 p.m. she was crossing the Rainbow bridge
meeting a whole bunch of the shelter babies that passed before her.  This
little girl named Baby was a true angel.  She was hardly breathing when I
picked her up from those awful people.  I told her how much I loved her
already and about the wonders of the rainbow bridge and how there would
no longer be any suffering and pain.  Just then she took her last earthly
breath and her spirit floated into the clouds.  I have never loved
anything so much in such a short period of time.  There is a giant whole
in my heart as I write this through the gallons of tears.  The only good
thought is that she knew love if only for those short five minutes.  So
Sandee if you could please greet this little girl and show her to her
new furry family of about 30 other ferrets.
Thank you.
Linda and the furry ones
Dook-N-Dance Ferret Shelter
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[Posted in FML issue 4564]